Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement


Absolute Vapor TX is committed to promoting ethical practices and upholding human rights in all aspects of our business operations. We believe in a world free from modern slavery and human trafficking and strive to ensure that our business activities, as an online magazine, are conducted in a responsible and transparent manner. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within our organization and supply chains.

Our Business

Absolute Vapor TX is an online magazine dedicated to providing high-quality content, news, and reviews related to the vaping industry. As a digital publication, our business primarily involves the creation and dissemination of online content. While we do not have complex supply chains associated with physical products, we recognize the importance of ensuring that the principles of ethical conduct and human rights are upheld throughout our organization.

Our Commitment

Prevention of Slavery and Human Trafficking

Absolute Vapor TX is committed to preventing slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking within our organization. We have implemented internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations concerning modern slavery.

Ethical Employment Practices

We promote fair and ethical employment practices within our organization. This includes providing our employees with a safe and supportive working environment, fair wages, and ensuring that they are treated with dignity and respect.

Supplier Engagement and Due Diligence

While our supply chains may not be extensive, we recognize the importance of engaging with our suppliers and business partners to ensure they adhere to ethical standards. We expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Training and Awareness

We are committed to raising awareness and educating our employees about the risks and signs of modern slavery and human trafficking. We provide training to relevant staff members to enhance their understanding of the issue and enable them to identify and address any concerns.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

Absolute Vapor TX encourages the reporting of any suspected cases of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organization or supply chains. We have established channels for employees and stakeholders to report concerns, and we treat all reports confidentially and seriously.

Continuous Improvement

We regularly review and assess our policies, procedures, and practices to ensure they are effective in combating modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach and will take appropriate action to address any identified gaps or areas for improvement.


Absolute Vapor TX is fully committed to promoting ethical practices and combating modern slavery and human trafficking. We believe in the importance of respecting human rights and ensuring the well-being of all individuals associated with our business. This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our dedication to responsible and transparent operations and our ongoing efforts to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking.

This statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Absolute Vapor TX.